
Security Type
San Clemente, CA
Offering Date
November 01, 2019
Expected Close Date
February 28, 2020
Target Raise

Company Description

ILLUSIO is a groundbreaking medical technology platform that could revolutionize the cosmetic surgery industry. It uses state-of-the-art, augmented reality to enables doctors to present to patients a real-time, three-dimensional visualization of a procedure’s outcome using the patient’s actual body. Empowering patients to fully visualize a procedural outcome greatly improves patient experience and increases the likelihood of them moving forward with the procedure.

Use of Proceeds

General Marketing and Advertising, Leasing Costs, Repayment of Outstanding Indebtedness and General Working Capital

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Ethan Winner - Chief Executive Officer
Kyle Song M.D. - Chief Medical Officer
Preston Platt - Chief Technical Officer
Amount Raised : $0
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Business Idea
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Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

Equity is a stock or any other security representing a direct ownership interest.

Research Reports

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