
Recreational fishing app helping you plan, buy, share and enjoy more catches

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Technology, Entertainment, Retail
Murcia, , Spain

Key Deal Facts

4.9/5 stars on Google Play & Apple Store. Highest-rated fishing app rating worldwide!
650% monthly sales increase in 2022
Over 300k users already registered from around the world
$150B+ market in USA & Europe alone
+45% recurring buyers per month
Over 100k catches are shown in the app every day!

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Alberto Manuel CEO & FounderEntrepreneur and avid angler. Mining engineer with long experience with software projects within the Oil & Gas sector. Helping anglers worldwide to fish more (and better)., Manuel García López CTOWorked on Google glass project in 2015. +15 years of experience, managing developer teams and finding the best solutions through technology., Raúl Contreras Mansilla COOManagement of distributors, stock, logistics, and operational team within a fast-grown process., Teresa Moreno
Amount Raised : $0
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