Vector Brewing

Vector Brewing

Security Type
Revenue Sharing
Food & Bev
Dallas, TX
Offering Date
February 26, 2020
Expected Close Date
June 26, 2020
Target Raise

Company Description

Vector Brewing is a place where people can discover new flavors. Unique beers are brewed on site, and curious customers can see their next favorite chugging away in tanks or slowly maturing in barrels. Artisanal pizzas are created from scratch in our kitchen, ready to pair with your favorite beer.

Use of Proceeds

Offering Expenses: $995.00 - $1,030.00

Portal Fees: $2,000.00 - $4,279.00

Operating Expenses (Ingredients, Utilities and Rent): $47,005.00 - $101,690.00

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Craig Bradley - Manager, Owner
Veronica Bradley - Manager, Owner
Tomás Gutierrez - Head of Brewing Operations
Amount Raised : $81,825
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The overall viability and scalability of the business concept as well as the ability to drive the concept to profitability over time.
Business Idea
The progress made thus far in demonstrating that the business has viability, a customer base or other business traction.
Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

Revenue Sharing is a form of lending that involves sharing revenue from the business with investors as return on their investment. It is often a fixed percentage of revenue and you are paid until you earn a total return on your investment.

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