
Security Type
Crowd Note
Financial Services
New York City, NY
Offering Date
December 09, 2019
Expected Close Date
April 07, 2020
Target Raise

Company Description

Coinseed allows people to invest their spare change in diversified portfolios of cryptocurrencies without having to worry about all of the technical details. This process can take less than one minute on our mobile application and users can immediately start investing. We have also built more features to enrich the Coinseed ecosystem. Specifically, new users can start with our simulated trading environment to feel comfortable with crypto trading before making their first investment. Users can also earn "crypto-back" rewards on their daily online and offline purchases, participate in our weekly trading contests, and see what other fellow Coinseed users are trading in real time. These features, along with others, constitute the Coinseed ecosystem where it's not only easier to get started, but also still offers a rich environment to dig deeper into crypto.

Use of Proceeds

General Expenses: 50 - 80%

Marketing: 20 - 30%

Hiring: 0 - 20% 

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Delgerdalai Davaasambuu - CEO
Sukhbat Lkhagvadorj - Co-Founder, CFO
Amount Raised : $0
Reveal the Score by Voting
Additional ratings from other users are needed to determine a viable CrowdScore for this deal.
The "CrowdScore" for this deal is determined by user ratings and other factors using our proprietary algorithm.
The overall viability and scalability of the business concept as well as the ability to drive the concept to profitability over time.
Business Idea
The progress made thus far in demonstrating that the business has viability, a customer base or other business traction.
Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

A Crowd Note modifies the typical convertible note so that the crowd does not automatically convert to equity shareholders on the next financing and remain off the issuer’s capitalization table, but the crowd will still participate in any exit as if they had converted to equity. If there is no future financing, the holders of the Crowd Note still have upside, but could miss out significantly.

Research Reports

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