A horror film based on an East Coast legend
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Security Type: Revenue Participation Agreement
Jon Jed Films is an up-and-comer horror production house and architect behind the project. They've partnered with Adventus, a well-oiled film company in the Pacific Northwest. To date, Adventus has internally produced three feature films in the horror and thriller genres in various stages of production.
If $50,000 is raised:
$30k will be used for cast and crew payroll for about 2 weeks of filming. Roughly $10k will be spent on camera and production equipment. Another $10k will be used for Wefunder fees, insurance, permits. Another $5-10k will also be funded out of pocket for food and other small miscellaneous production costs.
If $150,000 is raised:
$90k will be used for cast and crew payroll for 3-4 weeks of filming, spending much more on better known actors than the smaller budget. Roughly $35k will be spent on camera and production equipment for the extended shooting schedule. Another $25k will be used for Wefunder fees, insurance, permits, food and other small miscellaneous production costs.
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