A new way for nonprofit organizations to reach and serve their communities.
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$25K+ pro rata right threshold
TaskCause mobilizes Giving By Doing™ allowing nonprofit organizations to start a volunteer fundraising campaign. With TaskCause, nonprofits are providing you a new way to get involved in your community. We call it "Giving By Doing" where you donate your time to complete local tasks such as lawn mowing or furniture assembling to raise awareness and funding for nonprofit causes.
If $50,000 is raised:
50% will go towards continuing the development of the TaskCause mobile/desktop app. 30% will go towards hiring a salesperson. 12.5% will go towards business expenses such as api fees, server costs, rent, and related expenses. 7.5% goes to Wefunder.
If $250,000 is raised:
30% will go towards continuing the development of the new version of the TaskCause app. 50% will go towards hiring a salesteam. 12.5% will go towards business expenses such as api fees, server costs, rent, and related expenses. 7.5% goes to Wefunder.
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