We buy, operate, and grow hvac and plumbing businesses
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$25K+ pro rata right threshold
Kingmakers acquires, systematizes and grows residential services businesses (with a focus on hvac and plumbing). We train owners to optimize their business and step away from the day-to-day operations and in exchange get the right to acquire the business on favorable terms (with heavy seller-financing). We focus on businesses with strong teams and a strong company culture. We then hire a world-class general manager and improve the business systems, human resources and marketing.
If $100,000 is raised:
82.5% on deposits and downpayments to acquire businesses10% towards legal and entity setup.7.5% towards wefunder fees.
If $1,070,000 is raised:
60% on deposits and downpayments to acquire businesses 30% on working capital and expansion capital (marketing, etc) for acquired businesses 2.5% legal, entity setup, fundraise marketing7.5% towards wefunder fees
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