Social Coffee BR

Social Coffee BR

Small, mobile coffee cart used to cater weddings, birthdays, business conferences, and more

Security Type
Secured Loan
Service Businesses
Min Investment
Baton Rouge, LA
Offering Date
August 26, 2020
Expected Close Date
October 19, 2020
Target Raise
Deal Notes

Interest Rate: 9.75%

Payments: Monthly, disbursed to investors quarterly

Maturity: 60 months 

Personal Guaranty: Dillon Farrell

Security Interest: Blanket lien on assets of company

Company Description

Social Coffee is a small, mobile coffee cart used to cater weddings, birthdays, business conferences, and more. We believe there is a large, untapped clientele in the corporate catering arena along with weddings. People hire us and buy from us because they want quality and enjoy the craftsmanship with each cup. We are also very passionate about the community; 15% of our profits go to a non-profit supporting foster kids like our son.

We are raising $50,000 at a 9.75% interest rate, paid over a 60 month term.

The priority for Social Coffee's growth purchasing more equipment, another bar, and a cargo van – in addition to hiring more employees.

Hiring two part-time employees at $10/hour ~20 hours a week would allow for us to maintain a consistent flow at the restaurant location opening in the middle of September.

Equipment will cost around $9,000 per espresso machine and grinder. If we are able to buy more than one set up and bar, we would be able to be in multiple locations with low overhead.

General coffee and supplies will run around $1200, depending on what is raised.

Lastly, the cargo van we are looking into would cost $9,000-$10,000.

We have one operator, one machine, and one built out bar. If we add employees and equipment, we would be able to be in multiple locations, businesses, and events at one time. The cargo van is simply an easier way to load and drop off carts at locations. My idea is to be able to load the cart and equipment into the cargo van, unload at a location, and have the barista show up. After a few hours – or when the event has ended – I would load everything back up and drive away.

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Dillon Farrell - Owner

Dillon is a former NFL offensive lineman and global missions pastor who has spent time in small, local businesses and communities helping foster the growth of the specialty coffee scene. He believes in quality, details, and community. It is important to him that each person he encounters, whether employee or customer, be treated with respect and dignity without stipulation. He sees business as an avenue to affect people locally and globally.

Deal Notes

Interest Rate: 9.75%

Payments: Monthly, disbursed to investors quarterly

Maturity: 60 months 

Personal Guaranty: Dillon Farrell

Security Interest: Blanket lien on assets of company

Amount Raised : $0
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Security Description

Secured debt is debt backed or secured by collateral to reduce the risk associated with lending. If the borrower on a loan defaults on repayment, the debt holder can seize the collateral, sell it, and use the proceeds to pay back the debt. Assets backing debt or a debt instrument are considered as a form of security, which is why unsecured debt is considered a riskier investment than secured debt.

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