People don’t have the time or money for “trial-and-error”consumerism. We all waste hours doing online research in an effort to help us make "the right" choice around how we spend our money and our time on products or experiences. This process is not only time consuming but, worst of all, online reviews are often fake and can’t be trusted. Consumers prefer trusted recommendations from verifiable people in their personal network, who they know they can trust, and who have already taken the risk of trying something new. There isn’t a technology for easily getting, giving, managing and organizing recommendations from trusted friends for personal interests.
FAVER is a free app to help you give, get and organize word-of-mouth recommendations from your trusted friends, to help you quickly and easily find your next favorite book, movie, tv show, travel destination, video game, restaurant - anything. FAVER helps you avoid buyer’s remorse and enables you to quickly find the best of everything, based on the experience of the friends you trust who share your interests, who have already “been there, done that.” FAVER does this by helping you organize your network into trusted “clubs”, based on your interests, and enabling you to easily obtain a recommendation from a trusted source whenever you're in the market for a new "thing".