

Global platform for artists using matching and data science to connect them with art buyers

Security Type
Service Businesses
Min Investment
Richmond, MA
Offering Date
September 16, 2020
Expected Close Date
November 27, 2020
Target Raise
Deal Notes
  • Conversion discount: 20.0%
  • Interest rate: 5.0%
  • Note term: 24 months

Company Description

Global platform for artists using matching and data science to connect them with art buyersHistorically, the market for contemporary art is controlled by just a few gatekeepers (auction houses and blue-chip galleries) who use exclusivity and secrecy to control access and pricing. Because of this gallery system (favoring large galleries) and the disappearance of thousands of small galleries, there are fewer opportunities for artists. Most artists (70%+) earn less than $10k per year from art. This system effectively locks out most up-and-coming artists and therefore disadvantages new consumers.By fixing the core problems in the industry, SeeMe drives growth and customer satisfaction. SeeMe has grown from 3 to 6 events a year and from around 200 new artist submissions to over 500. This trend is accelerating with the push towards digital resulting from COVID-19.SeeMe uses a competitive, open-call exhibition process aligned with major (virtual and in person) art fairs and exhibitions to democratize access. Using a combination of technology (AI and predictive analytics), SeeMe has built a rigorous process that results in a leading marketplace for new artists to become discovered and consumers to find art that they love. Some of the most highly rated artists and their work end up on the SeeMe Gallery, a digital discovery engine for art.We believe SeeMe's process and product is a superior way to discover artistic talent, benefitting both ambitious artists and discerning collectors. For artists, we help them gain recognition, feedback and sell work. For art enthusiasts and collectors, we help them discover new and emerging artists and give them confidence they are buying quality work at great value.The long-term value creation in the business model is using predictive analysis to identify the most talented artists (and their work), gain access to rights (upside value) and help support this increase through targeted marketing and promotion.

Key Deal Facts

Generated over $140K in revenue in 2019, representing a growth rate of over 100% from 2018 (unaudited)
User base of over 3,000 artists and captured thousands of digital art images with rights and metadata
Formed a strategic relationship with Sotheby’s Institute and executed a licensing agreement with Meural
Founder and CEO is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School and Consulting Program Director at Sotheby’s Institute, as well as an experienced start-up and turnaround executive
Columbia Alumni Virtual Accelerator portfolio company

Use of Proceeds

  • Capex: Web Design & IT
  • Marketing
  • Salaries & Related
  • IP Rights Fund
  • Fundraising & Legal
  • Cash Reserve

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Brendan Burns

Sawyer Zehr
Digital Marketing & Artist Relations

Angelica Munoz
Digital Curation & Graphic Design

Nerissa Bardfeld
UI/UX & Curation

Nathan Wu

Marco Torraca
Corporate Development & Legal

Deal Notes

  • Conversion discount: 20.0%
  • Interest rate: 5.0%
  • Note term: 24 months
Amount Raised : $34,500
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The overall viability and scalability of the business concept as well as the ability to drive the concept to profitability over time.
Business Idea
The progress made thus far in demonstrating that the business has viability, a customer base or other business traction.
Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

A SWIFT (Simple Weighted Incentive For Time) is a term SeedInvest uses to describe offerings that add an incentive or “time-based discounts” for early investors.

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