Sparrow InterActive is creating a mobile game to disrupt a pay to win genre
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Revenue Share Loan
20% of Revenues
3.0X Payback Multiple
EARLY BIRD: Investors in the first $55k will receive a 3.5x payback
Secured by assets of Sparrow Interactive
The company will pay investors 20% of revenues each quarter until 100% of your principal is returned plus 250% on top
For the last decade, the payment models for mobile real time strategy games have evolved from "pay to play" to "free to play" and now "pay to win". Recently, the genre has taken the "pay to win" model to an extreme, and that has created a problem for players and an opportunity for us.
Early payment models for mobile games followed traditional boxed games. . . you paid for the software and then downloaded it. However, a new model quickly evolved in which players could download a crippled version of the game and "unlock" features if they enjoyed playing it.
This lasted for a while, but players began to demand more and more features be available for free. Developers, caught between pleasing their players and trying to generate revenue, created the current model which is Free to Play, but Pay to Win. This satisfied the Free to Play players at first because they could access more content. It also satisfied the developers as they were able to generate strong revenue. It only worked for a little while though. . .
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