Management Team / Advisory Board Bios
Luis Melgarejo
Six years ago I discovered craft beer; I started with beer from large craft breweries like Samuel Adams, New Belgium and Sierra Nevada. Then I tasted as many different styles of beer as possible. Soon after, I learned about the craft beer community and homebrewing. At this point everything snowballed, I wanted to learn more, do more, and brew more. I began dreaming of starting my own brewery which fueled my passion for the beer industry. From here my journey began. I started working at Hoggetowne Ale Works, a homebrew store, and Stubbies and Steins, a local craft beer restaurant. In addition, I began working at Tall Paul’s, a small nano-brewery. At this point I was working 50-70 hours each week, but the time flew by. Each job was teaching me different aspects of the industry, as well as furthering my knowledge.After a couple of years, I realized if I wanted to own a brewery I would need to work in one. The craft beer industry was just starting to develop where I lived, so my wife and I decided to move to “Beer City”, Asheville, NC. I was extremely fortunate getting a job with Land of the Sky Mobile Canning, which gave me access into multiple craft breweries. This job took me to over twenty breweries I could experience firsthand. Here I learned a lot from the owners and each brewery we would service. With my experience in canning, I was able to get a job with Wicked Weed. This was the highlight of my career, working at an established, fast-growing brewery. While working at Wicked Weed I primarily operated the packaging line while also gaining firsthand experience in brewing various batches, as well as cellar work. The knowledge, connections and experience I gained far out-weighs any homebrewing experience. About a year into working with Wicked Weed the company sold to AB Inbev. I continue to communicate and get advice from the owners on how they created such a successful brewpub and brand in only three years.Over the past six years I have gained an exorbitant amount of knowledge. While working full time I took the Siebel Concise Course in Brewing Technology. This course gave me insight into the professional, large scale side of brewing. During my time in the beer industry I realized how important local homebrewers are to craft beer and the benefits of working directly with a distributor. Being able to travel and work at various different breweries and look at their set-ups allowed me to learn the benefits and downfalls with each design. Finally, I was able to experience quick growth first hand with a developing brewery and learning from knowledgeable coworkers with years of experience.