Management Team / Advisory Board Bios
Travis Preece
For the past 6 years, Travis has owned Tap & Table which currently operates two successful restaurants with a local craft beer/gastropub style. Travis has a BS in Business and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, and has significant corporate strategy and marketing experience.While Travis has many career success stories, his most impressive stint was as a strategy advisor in Shell Oil’s downstream headquarters in London. During this time, he worked closely with Shell Helix, Pennzoil and Quaker State Global Brand Managers, and led dozens of internal consulting projects. These include: A 5-year path to $15 Billion Global Lubricants Sales, re-imagining Shell Lubricants’ entire R&D process, and valuations of several potential global market exits.In 2015, Travis purchased a 1000 sf, struggling taproom. By analyzing his own elaborate data models to drive food & beer menu decisions, Travis grew top-line revenues by 65% and 57% in his first two years, respectively. He also drove Food COGS down from 56% to 25% in under 12 months. By the end of 2017, he’d grown the business from $178k sales (and deeply in the red) to $459k sales and 77k Net Income. In early 2018, Travis re-invested to double his square footage and hired an experienced GM. In fall 2018, Travis acquired a taproom in a very trendy area, and expects company-wide Net Income of nearly $200,000 in 2019. Travis curates the beer list for both restaurants and has several years of detailed customer insights on the local beer consumer’s decision process.In strategy, Travis was one of 5 members of the team which developed and presented a Five Billion dollar growth plan for the marketing arm of largest (by rev) company in the world. Travis also led many other projects, including a plan to close the gap on Chevron in the US, and a massive 6-month project to redevelop Shell Lubricants’ R&D system, which included regular presentations to executives.Travis has shown that his strategic approach to business works extremely well in the hospitality industry: In two years and with few resources at his disposal, Travis has boot-strapped his way to 40% YoY revenue growth and astronomical profit growth.
Willis Boyer
Director of Development
Willis is extremely creative and knows how to maximize “bang for the buck.” He provides a strategic advantage for Gorges to build or renovate properties at cost with our own team.Willis is a Portland Native who has lived with his fiancée and two children part-time in Cascade Locks for several years.
Brian Keilty
Head Brewer
After a successful career as a chef, Bryan moved to Portland to learn brewing in the hopes of opening his own brewery and restaurant. Bryan has a tireless work ethic, has won national awards, built breweries, and grown sales in the US, Japan and Holland.Bryan’s passion for craft, and ability to build relationships in the industry, serve us well!
Steven Denio
Director of Operations
Steve Led Bend Brewing (as General Manager) to 22% growth annually, then became a founding member of GoodLife in 2011. As Marketing & Sales Manager, he helped grow GoodLife to #9 volume in the state of Oregon in 2017.Steve and wife Heather met in the Bend beer industry, and just welcomed a future beer-lover to the fam.