Security Type
Min Investment
Offering Date
November 10, 2020
Expected Close Date
March 04, 2021
Target Raise
Company Description
Simple & Enjoyable All-Inclusive Membership Subscription To Electric Vehicles.
In 5 years, we are targeting 200,000 electric vehicles under subscription including consumer, commercial and government fleet. This cannot be guaranteed.
Given the Company’s limited operating history, the Company cannot reliably estimate how much revenue it will receive in the future, if any.
Invest $250+ for T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$500+ T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$1,000+ 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$2,500+ Dinner and a Movie + 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$5,000+ 30 Minute One-On-One Phone Call With a T4L Team Member of Your Choice + Dinner and a Movie + 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$10,000+ Custom T4L Jacket + All Membership and Subscription Qualification Fees Waived + 30 Minute One-On-One Phone Call With a T4L Team Member of Your Choice + Dinner and a Movie + 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
Invest $250+ for T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$500+ T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$1,000+ 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$2,500+ Dinner and a Movie + 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$5,000+ 30 Minute One-On-One Phone Call With a T4L Team Member of Your Choice + Dinner and a Movie + 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
$10,000+ Custom T4L Jacket + All Membership and Subscription Qualification Fees Waived + 30 Minute One-On-One Phone Call With a T4L Team Member of Your Choice + Dinner and a Movie + 1,000 Miles of Charging ($100 value) + T4L Screen Cleaning Pad + T4L Charter Social Membership ($100 value) + Special Invite Only Virtual Social Hour with T4L Team + T4L Hat + T4L Shirt + T4L Pen + Social Media Shoutout + Referral Perk Code
Key Deal Facts
Car Subscriptions are expanding by $9.15 Billion with a projected 63% CAGR by 2024
Proven Team: Over $3B in Previous Business Deals
CEO Earned 2000 Smithsonian Computerworld Award for “Innovation in the IT World”
Strategic Partnerships With Leading Insurance Company, Finance and EV Manufacturers
Proprietary Tech: Improves Overall Membership Experience and Tailored Ads For Additional Revenues
Pre-IPO Discount
400%+ Month Over Month Social Media Organic Growth
Use of Proceeds
- 10% marketing
- 70% Fleet Assets
- 7.5% WeFunder Fee
- 12.5% Operations costs
- 10% marketing
- 70% Fleet Assets
- 7.5% WeFunder Fee
- 12.5% reimburse start up costs
Management Team / Advisory Board Bios
Allen Witters
Multiple high-growth companies, IPO's and exits. Earned 2000 Smithsonian Computerworld Award for “Innovation in the IT World”
Jason Gabauer
Developed a new US based blocker structure to secure upward of $30million in commitments for a real estate fund
John P. Arciero
Involved in several successful startups and consulted dozens of clients across a range of industries including fintech, technology, banking, finance, and healthcare
Dan Bryant
Leader in adapting to and structuring change across diverse markets and industries including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, technology, law and real estate
Luis Camarena
Implemented multiple marketing and sales strategies for various startups
Tyler Wood
Director ESG
Consulted private clients in capital formation, hedge funds, private equity, and construction of their alternative investment portfolios
Barb Quasius
Chief EV-Angelist
27-year career as a results-driven, team-building Family Investment Office Head and CFO for a complex, global-operations holding company
Cory Witters
Developed and has overseen a customer service team for both small and multi-billion dollar global companies and projects with Board & C-Level responsibilities
William Baker
Over 30 years of global leadership in selling, marketing, capital sourcing and executing on multi-million dollar developments in the Middle East, USA and Europe