Simply, the Uruk Platform is a digital solution, the software version of the SUKAD Way. The platform is being built on CAMMP and the idea of tailored methods, fit-for-purpose, as the core engine and project life cycle workflow. CAMMP, and Uruk, covers projects from the business starting point, the concept, and all the way to delivering the final product and assess the success and achievement of the anticipated benefits. Therefore, Uruk integrates project management with product management, the business side, and operations. This element is what we call, Managing a Project element.
In addition to Managing a Project element, Uruk includes the Managing the Portfolio element, for portfolio management. This element would empower the Project Management Office (Unit) to help executive management manage the whole portfolio, with significant data and analytics based on historical projects, from inside the organization and what SUKAD will provide. The portfolio element of Uruk also includes the various policies, procedures, and guidelines that would be vital for the effective management of all projects and the portfolio. Our nickname for the Uruk Platform is the Engine of Project Success, since it's a true engine, with all of the necessary components to enable project excellence.
Uruk has other supporting elements, such as engaging the community to encourage a community of practice and collaborations.