Tadah! Foods is a mission-based food CPG company whose ultimate goal is to not only improve the way people eat but to give back to those in need. Over-stimulated and continually disappointed consumers begin to, over time, close themselves off to new experiences, new cultures, new foods. The modern shopper has become jaded and in many cases distrustful of large food companies. While huge companies are duking it out with their own version of heavily processed plant-based meat TaDah! is delighting consumers with plant-based foods that are authentic, convenient, and most importantly delicious. We didn't turn to lab-engineered food, instead, we turned to culinary techniques and the wisdom that inherently comes from centuries of plant-based food preparation. You see many cultures have been preparing plant-based meals, not in an effort to replicate meat but to enjoy flavorful food that nourishes and delights. This is why TaDah! Foods has become such a revelation to shoppers - our food taste amazing!