Security Type
Min Investment
Offering Date
April 15, 2021
Company Description
By 2023 we'll be launching our first Low Earth Orbit launch service with our Red Dwarf rocket. Uniquely, because we'll be launching off of the coast of Maine we can put these tiny nanosatellites into a polar orbit (this is an orbit that goes from from the South to North poles)
Invest $250+ Receive a bluShift logo sticker worthy of your grittiest metal water bottle, laptop or choice of transport. UV and outdoor ready.
Invest $750+ Receive a limited edition Stardust 1.0 Mission Patch to commemorate our historic flight on January 31st, 2021.
Invest $2,500+ Receive a limited edition bluShift ball-point pen launched in the historic Stardust 1.0 flight on January 31st, 2021.
Invest $5,000+bluShift technical staff will provide a 30 minute zoom lesson on how our rockets work, our biofuel, how educational payloads will be incorporated and a Q&A session for a student classroom or remote study students of the investor's choosing.
Invest $10,000+ Receive a behind the scene pass to watch a MAREVL™ engine test at the Brunswick, Maine test facilities. Travel and boarding not included.
Invest $16,207+ Provide a full sponsorship to launch one academic payload using Xinabox modular chips as science experiments in a Stardust 2.0 or Starless Rogue Beta flight to the school of your choosing.
Invest $25,000+ Receive an exclusive invitation to the VIP area near mission control during a launch (limited quantity). Travel and boarding not included.
Key Deal Facts
1st company in the world to launch paying payloads using non-toxic biofuel
Historic launch using biofuel occurred on January 31st, 2021
Raised close to $1M in resources prior to Wefunder
Expected to be cash flow positive in 4 years, net margin increases to 50% in 7 years
$69B market potential for launching nanosatel
Unique competitive advantage by launching off Maine's coast into polar orbit
Management Team / Advisory Board Bios
Sascha Deri, CEO
Founded and grew a solar distribution and light manufacturing company to $30M. In 2013, I discovered that a bioderived substance worked better than traditional petroleum fuels for rockets. We want to see more commercial space companies use Earth-friendly fuels to power our curiosity and ambitions to space.
Brook Halvorson, Lead Test Engineer
Experience in automotive engineering and design, carbon composite testing, graphene-based coatings, and now 4 years of R&D with bluShift.
David Hayrikyan, CTO
Entrepreneur and founder of MACABitech, a manufacturing engineering and mechanical design company started in Boston, MA.
Luke Saindon, Senior Mechanical Engineer
Completed an engineering internship in Applied Thermal Sciences at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.
Seth Lockman, Communications Director
Hosts the Space Rants podcast, and is an advocate of the ongoing effort, led by the Maine Space Grant Consortium, to build SpacePort Maine.
Steve Savoie, Founder of a composite manufacturing company, focusing on tooling design, process management, equipment evaluation and upgrades, work flow analysis and quality compliance.