

Be Inspired

Security Type
Crowd SAFE
Min Investment
Alpharetta, GA
Offering Date
April 23, 2021
Expected Close Date
August 21, 2021
Target Raise

Company Description

Saltflix is a faith-based multicultural streaming platform that focuses on family-friendly movie, TV, and music content from around the world. 

Key Deal Facts

Main service launched October 2020
September 2020 beta launch
Prototype built in August 2020
December 2020- Founder was recognized for his dependent Christian films
September 2020- Founded Saltflix
Saltflix will be available on Amazon Fire and Roku in June 2021

Use of Proceeds

  • Equipment
  • Miventure Listing Fee
  • Product Development
  • Marketing

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

James Alford, Founder & CEO
Christian leader and media personality since 2009. Experience in film, radio and TV.
Amount Raised : $0
Reveal the Score by Voting
Additional ratings from other users are needed to determine a viable CrowdScore for this deal.
The "CrowdScore" for this deal is determined by user ratings and other factors using our proprietary algorithm.
The overall viability and scalability of the business concept as well as the ability to drive the concept to profitability over time.
Business Idea
The progress made thus far in demonstrating that the business has viability, a customer base or other business traction.
Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

An equity crowdfunding specific version of a SAFE used by crowdfunding portal Republic. Upon conversion (if and when that happens), investors may receive special shares with limited rights that do not show up on a company’s cap table. The issuer may roll over and not convert shares at the next financing round causing investors to lose out on some upside.

Research Reports

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