
Revolutionary Music Video Entertainment Technology

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Security Type
Common Stock
Min Investment
Reno, NV
Offering Date
September 29, 2021
Expected Close Date
September 13, 2024
Target Raise
Security Price
Number of Employees
Short Term Debt
Cost of Goods
Long Term Debt
Net Income

Company Description

At Revohloo we’ve developed a music video platform to help artists and rights-holders increase their music video revenue. The heart of our innovation is our patent pending, interactive, multiple version music video technology. Imagine your favorite artists' music video offered you a different beginning, middle, and end. Revohloo provides users the unique ability to cut and create music videos using any one of the 256 new variations. With the endless variations, Revohloo has the opportunity to generate a significant amount of new official content for artists’ to monetize. An innovative music video platform, powered by patent pending technology, designed to engage fans and spark a revolution of creativity.

Key Deal Facts

Invested roughly $60,000, mostly raised from friends and family Organically grew our combined social media following on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to over 30,000 accounts Onboarded over 5,000 artists on the road to product/market fit Assembled a passionate, dedicated team of PEOPLE WE TRUST Built, launched, & tested a beta version of our platform Filed a provisional patent application with the USPTO Generated buzz + considerable interest in our technology & business model

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Glen “Tracy” DeBarros, Founder & CEO Founder and inventor of Revohloo, Inc's, patent pending interactive music video technology and the driving force leading the company. Tracy has 20+ years of professional experience, primarily in the music and entertainment industry, and a passion for technology and business model development. DeBarros is a serial entrepreneur that has experience in a wide array of roles such as: artist, promoter, street team manager, indie record label owner, executive producer, artist manager, concert & night club promoter, general manager. Gerardo Melendrez, Co-founder & CTO Gerardo is a graduate from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey with a Bachelor of Information Systems Engineering, Computer Science degree. Previous roles include software architect, analyst, and lead developer in a wide variety of businesses and consumer applications.

Amount Raised : $49,439
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Security Description

Common stock is a security that represents ownership in a corporation.

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