1463 Dot Ave

1463 Dot Ave

Transit-oriented & affordable in Dorchester's diverse Fields Corner

Security Type
Preferred Stock
Real Estate
Boston, MA
Offering Date
January 10, 2022

Key Deal Facts

Community centered. Led by and developed for longtime Dorchester residents.
Democratic. Investors elected to a Project Oversight Committee.
Income Restricted Housing. For those burdened by market rents.
Transit-oriented. Newly refurbished MBTA station is just steps away.
Net-zero. Low energy, high-performance, sustainable design.
Construction started. Permit secured and groundbreaking is underway.
Experienced Developer. Proven history in affordable housing development.
Amount Raised : $0
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Security Description

Preferred securities are a type of investment that generally offers some sort of preferred treatment through a dividend or preferred treatment in a liquidation.

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