Cytonics Corporation

Biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapies for osteoarthritis and other inflammatory diseases

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Security Type
Preferred Stock
Min Investment
Offering Date
April 07, 2022
Expected Close Date
August 25, 2024
Target Raise
No. Investors
Security Price
Number of Employees
Short Term Debt
Cost of Goods
Long Term Debt
Net Income

Company Description

The ProblemOsteoarthritis (OA) is a crippling disease that is caused by the breakdown of cartilage within joints. Post-traumatic injuries (e.g. ACL tear) and age-related wear-and-tear of the joints significantly increase the incidence of the disease. Over 27 million people are treated for arthritis-related pain in the US alone, placing a $180B burden on our healthcare system and economy. Missed work and excessive medical expenditure result from the lack of an effective treatment. We believe we have a safe, effective therapy for OA will have an enormous impact on human well-being and significantly improve the global economy.Our SolutionCytonics' solution to the OA problem is to deliver high concentrations of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M), a blood protein that has been shown to protect cartilage, into the joint space to slow and eventually halt the progression of arthritis. A2M functions by inhibiting destructive protease enzymes that chew up cartilage tissue.Our first therapeutic that gained FDA approval is the Autologous Protease Integrated Concentrate (APIC) system, a device which concentrates A2M from a patients' blood to treat arthritic joints. The APIC technology has treated over 8,000 patients nationwide, serving as clinical evidence of A2M’s efficacy as a treatment for osteoarthritis.Our current focus is the development of CYT-108, a genetically engineered variant of A2M. CYT-108 was designed with key genetic mutations to make it 2-4x more effective than naturally occurring A2M. Since our last raise, we have successfully completed the GMP manufacturing of CYT-108 and will be conducting a final pre-clinical safety study before entering Phase 1 human clinical trials. If approved by the FDA, CYT-108 will be the only therapy on the market that addresses the root causes of osteoarthritis and has the potential to reverse disease progression.


Cytonics is disrupting the field of regenerative medicine with their innovative biologic therapies for osteoarthritis.   Returning Reg A+ investors that make another investment  will receive perks equivalent to one tier above their investment amount. Learn more about the investor perks below.

Tier 1 : Invest $15,000 to $29,999 – Complimentary consultation with a qualified physician (regional availability may differ), plus participation in scheduled quarterly calls with Cytonics’ senior management

Tier 2 : Invest $30,000 to $74,999 – All of the above, plus complimentary APIC kit (sent to a qualified physician, regional availability may differ)

Tier 3: Invest $75,000 to $149,999 – All of the above, plus paid airfare to visit our research facilities and a dinner with Cytonics’ senior management, plus a complimentary consult with Gaetano Scuderi, MD and APIC treatment

Tier 4: Invest $150,000 to $249,999 – All of the above, plus complimentary flight (for two) to Jupiter, FL for a weekend stay at the Jupiter Beach Resort, plus invitation to annual updates (dinners, calls) with Cytonics’ senior management

Tier 5: Invest $250,000 or more – All of the above, plus an active role in CYT-108 development, plus complimentary admission to industry conferences that Cytonics attends (such as the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Annual Meeting)

It is advised that you consult a tax professional to fully understand any potential tax implications of receiving investor perks before making an investment.

Please note that due to share price calculations, some final investment amounts may be rounded down to the nearest whole share - these will still qualify for the designated perk tier. Additionally, investors must complete the online process and receive an initial email confirmation by the deadline stated above in order to be eligible for perks.

Key Deal Facts

The ProblemOsteoarthritis (OA) is a crippling disease that is caused by the breakdown of cartilage within joints. Post-traumatic injuries (e.g. ACL tear) and age-related wear-and-tear of the joints significantly increase the incidence of the disease. Over 27 million people are treated for arthritis-related pain in the US alone, placing a $180B burden on our healthcare system and economy. Missed work and excessive medical expenditure result from the lack of an effective treatment. We believe we have a safe, effective therapy for OA will have an enormous impact on human well-being and significantly improve the global economy.Our SolutionCytonics' solution to the OA problem is to deliver high concentrations of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M), a blood protein that has been shown to protect cartilage, into the joint space to slow and eventually halt the progression of arthritis. A2M functions by inhibiting destructive protease enzymes that chew up cartilage tissue.Our first therapeutic that gained FDA approval is the Autologous Protease Integrated Concentrate (APIC) system, a device which concentrates A2M from a patients' blood to treat arthritic joints. The APIC technology has treated over 8,000 patients nationwide, serving as clinical evidence of A2M’s efficacy as a treatment for osteoarthritis.Our current focus is the development of CYT-108, a genetically engineered variant of A2M. CYT-108 was designed with key genetic mutations to make it 2-4x more effective than naturally occurring A2M. Since our last raise, we have successfully completed the GMP manufacturing of CYT-108 and will be conducting a final pre-clinical safety study before entering Phase 1 human clinical trials. If approved by the FDA, CYT-108 will be the only therapy on the market that addresses the root causes of osteoarthritis and has the potential to reverse disease progression.

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

David C. Yeomans, PhD
Advisor, Scientific Advisor

Vanessa Cuellar, MD
Advisor, Scientific Advisor

Wayne Olan, MD
Advisor, Medical Advisor

Thomas San Giovanni, MD
Advisor, Medical Advisor

Raymond Johnson, MBA
Advisor, Corporate Strategy Advisor

Martin Angst, MD
Advisor, Medical Advisor

Geoff Abrams, MD
Advisor, Medical Advisor

Joseph Buckwalter, MD
Advisor, Medical Advisor

Jason M. Cuellar, MD PhD
Advisor, Scientific Advisor
Amount Raised : $595,659
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Security Description

Preferred securities are a type of investment that generally offers some sort of preferred treatment through a dividend or preferred treatment in a liquidation.

Research Reports

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