The federal agency, National Institute for Occupational Therapy and Health (NIOSH) estimates that over 8 million healthcare workers, patients and the environment are being exposed to hazardous waste vapors from chemotherapy medications.
The ‘yellow bins’ currently being used at hospitals to collect hazardous waste materials do not have an effective vapor containment mechanism. Therefore, odorless toxic air is constantly emanating from these bins until they are properly removed. Healthcare workers and patients are unaware of the amount of hazardous vapors they are breathing in on a daily basis.
Our motion-censored, hands-free device is designed to make the user feel safe and to avoid surface contamination.
The user waves their hand over the bin, the lid will open and the medication is dropped into a plastic-lined container. Once the lid closes, the plastic bag is sealed and no toxic vapors are released back into the environment.
On the back end, the unit uses machine-learning algorithms to calculate waste data collection information that results in cost-saving measures for the hospital.