Company Description
An E-Commerce Marketplace For American-made Products
First-to-Market, U.S. Products-Only, E-Commerce Marketplace:
• Nearly 5,000 vendors lined-up prior to launch, offering a variety of products
• Ready to serve Consumer, Industrial, and Government buyers
• B2C platform will be fully integrated with social media
• Multiple revenue streams include: retail sales, transaction fees, and membership fees
Key Reasons to Invest:
• 60% of U.S. consumers have a strong preference to buy American-made products
• Company has identified key categories for sales in B2C, B2B, and B2G segments
• B2B online market ($559 billion) is double the size of the B2C online market ($255 billion)
• E-commerce marketplaces provide an efficient vehicle for both large and small sellers to gain exposure to the online, mobile consumer
• Continued strong growth in e-commerce affords the entry of new players