Take A Sip, Enjoy The Trip
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$1.00 per share
$50K+ pro rata right threshold
Hoop Tea is a spiked iced tea brand that was created at Backshore Brewing Co on the beach of Ocean City, MD in the summer of 2016. Hoop Tea products are 'better for you' alcoholic beverages for modern consumers who prefer products with 'clean labels' and thoughtful ingredients.
If $300,001 is raised:
60% for purchase of raw materials and inventories to be advanced to Southbound One, Inc., 20% for hiring, 12.5% for sales and marketing expenses, 7.5% towards Wefunder fees.
If $1,069,999 is raised:
40% for purchasing raw materials and other inventories to be advanced to Southbound One, Inc., 20% for specialized manufacturing equipment that will be placed with copackers, but may be owned by Hoop Tea, Inc., 32.5% towards staffing and marketing efforts in new territories, 7.5% in Wefunder fees.
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