Swap Your Time, LLC is committed to building and monetizing a freelancing app
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20.0% discount
$25K+ pro rata right threshold
In the current situation of lock downs and shut downs, working remotely and earning an income is even more important. We have built a successful freelancing platform as a response to a growing need of working remotely and earning either a main or supplementary income. The world will never be the same after Covid-19 and our platform will allow people to connect with each other, get work done, and earn their living.
If $75,000 is raised:
55% towards continuous app improvements and software development, 12.5% towards marketing, 25% towards hiring and content monitoring, 7.5% towards WeFunder Fees
If $250,000 is raised:
20% towards continuous app improvements and software development, 60% towards marketing through digital ad spend and a full-time hire, 12.5% towards hiring and content monitoring, 7.5% towards WeFunder Fees
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