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Lochiel Brewing was founded in May 2015 by Ian Cameron in Mesa, Arizona. We’re a two-vessel 10-barrel full electric, brewhouse with several 7-barrel and 15-barrel fermenters and brite tanks focusing on the production of a range of Scottish-style beers.
The owner and brewmaster, Ian, is a deaf professional brewer and the sole owner with brewing experience stemming from over 15 years. He developed skills and knowledge by working in various engineering and business endeavors which provided the necessary skills to convert old time brews on modern stainless steel equipment and product commercialization.
The brews are made with a Scottish style, strong malt-forwardness. The Scotch ale is a family recipe handed down through generations of a Cameron of Lochiel lineage. Although we do brew the other family recipes that consist of an English Mild, a light yet flavorful brown ale, an Extra Special Bitter (ESB), a Scottish Colonial Golden. We even have a Scottish Porter that walks the line between a stout and a porter.
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