A.I. to help users book remote live stream inspections.
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5% of revenues
2.0X payback multiple
Secured by assets of AfterrHome Inc. .
The company will pay investors 5% of revenues each quarter until 100% of your principal is returned plus 150% on top.
AfterrHome is a platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to help users book remote live-stream home inspections. Our A.I assistant recommends inspections based on the neighborhood data & helps users book the inspections online. Users pay 50% at the time of booking and the balance is paid over 3 months. Our home inspector will conduct an on-site inspection, while our users and their realtor view their inspections via live-stream link. Users receive an instant SMART Inspection report.
In 5 years, we hope to be conducting remote live-stream inspections in every U.S. state and in Canada. Our SMART Inspection Report will be available for licensing to home inspection companies.Our goal is to have enhanced our platform to include a virtual reality where users can step into the virtual version of their prospective homes. They can scan each component and receive an analysis report on the "health" of that component and its "life expectancy."
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