

E-Bike Ridesharing: The Future of Urban Travel

Security Type
Common Stock
Service Businesses
Min Investment
Cincinnati, OH
Offering Date
October 28, 2020
Expected Close Date
September 30, 2021
Target Raise
Deal Notes

Price per Share: $0.25

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Paul Perkins- CEO, Co-Founder
Paul is a designer and innovation futurist. He spent two years as a Design coordinator and Superintendent for a large construction company (Turner Construction). Prior to this he managed projects for architectural firm Stantec and Mackin Engineering Company. He studied abroad in China as the building boom was underway in the early 2010’s He’s also a 2015 BA graduate of Urban Planning from the University of Cincinnati’s Design Architecture and Planning schoool. Paul leads a global team of leaders to create a more innovative and sustainable world by developing affordable and eco-friendly hardware and IOT products for consumers in underrepresented markets.

Sydney Mwaimba- COO, Co-Founder
is the person in charge of keeping ORION running smoothly. He was the first person and co-founder to which Paul told his vision of ORION. He has mainly assisted in our operations and partnerships in China. He is currently from Zambia now working in Beijing, China. He just recently finished
his MBA at the Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). His work ethic, and passion to be a part of
something great and overall ability to communicate effectively will make him one of the most powerful and respected businessmen in the world.

Colin Curry- CDO, Co-Founder
is a professional Industrial Designer and as Paul calls him our “Jony Ive.” A graduate of the renowned Industrial Design program at the University of Cincinnati, he is currently the Senior designer at the “Jack Mason Brand” and recently worked for the “Fossil Watch Company” as a Full-Time Men’s Watch designer assisting in new product and trend development. He and Paul are SigmaChi Fraternity brothers and have known each other for over 11 years. Most importantly he understands how to take a product from concept to market and that is something that is invaluable for our team.

DR. Pius Gadosey,- CTO, Co-Founder
is another incredibly bright person we are blessed to have on our team, he oversees and manages the programming and design of all of our technology applications, departments and contractors. He recently received a PhD focused on Deep Learning and Computer Vision at the Beijing University Of Technology (BJUT) and has a Masters of Engineering Computer Science and Technology from BJUT. He is currently a Lecturer at Lancaster University Ghana.

Deal Notes

Price per Share: $0.25

Amount Raised : $0
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The overall viability and scalability of the business concept as well as the ability to drive the concept to profitability over time.
Business Idea
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Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

Common stock is a security that represents ownership in a corporation.

Research Reports

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