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If you invest $100, the business agrees to share a portion of their revenue until you have been repaid $180. They will owe you this amount by 1/1/2027, regardless of revenue.
Get rid of industrial bread (filled with additives and preservatives) that occupies the bread isles of supermarkets. Our name is comprised of doma (home) and selo (village) and our goal is to is to re-introduce authentic baking that brings back this feeling of eating at a home in a village. A feeling that is ignited by food made with local ingredients, authentic methods, and made with love.
Consumers were getting comfortable with online grocery shopping even before COVID, but since March 2020 the process has been significantly accelerated and adoption rates are continuing to increase. Our model was designed to be online and delivery only, but this new change in consumer behavior is the perfect wave that we need to ride.
We have an opportunity to create a food brand around bread, a staple food that is consumed daily. Our relationship with our customers is deep and based on trust and respect, and we treat that with utmost respect. Our customers trust us when we introduce new products and they're eager to try them, whether they're made in house or they're by one of our local makers. That's why we add new makers very selectively and make sure they comply with our standards for making natural and organic food.
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