Key Deal Facts
Over 70,000 households have signed up for Scream Truck's reserved routes. Our CAC has been $0.
The company was launched in September, 2020. Lifetime revenue is just under $6MM (217% CAGR)
Projecting over $5MM revenue in 2024, 21% truck profit, and 88% YoY growth.
NYC morning radio icon Elvis Duran invested in Scream Truck and will help accelerate our growth
Scream Truck is powered by Implse, our proprietary software platform, key to our business model
Scream Truck has over 500 five-star reviews across Google and Facebook, with an overall 4.9 rating.
Scream Truck is laying the groundwork for other brands to utilize our impulse driven delivery model
Scream Truck is creating experiential marketing oppty's for complimentary brands starting in 2024
Management Team / Advisory Board Bios
Eric Murphy Founder/CEOYoungest Senior Executive in the history of RCA Records. Started his first company, an award-winning Experiential Marketing agency in NYC, at age 33, then a VIP event tech and ticketing platform, sold both companies to media giant Condé Nast in 2017., Jason Black PresidentA Duke grad who cut his teeth at Goldman Sachs, then spent
the next thirteen years analyzing and leading deals in the distressed real estate and hospitality related space while developing his business management acumen., Mia Miller Director of OperationsBorn and raised in Westfield, New Jersey (where Scream Truck first launched), Mia has
proven to be a key member of Scream Truck’s founding team. Mia was employee number one, working alongside Eric on a truck for the first five months on the road., Lindsay SilverFractional CTO20 years of experience developing complex, enterprise level software products. Past roles include SVP and Global Head of Product, Technology, and Data at Fox (most recently) and Condé Nast (formerly)., Brian Kutz Vice President, Design & BuildMasters in Architecture from SCAD (Savannah School of Art & Design), former home restoration business owner, and avid car lover. Experienced in all facets of design, building, and fabrication., Patrick Jong Experiential Marketing ExecutiveOver 20 years of experience in event production and experiential marketing, including 10 years at the world renowned South Beach Wine & Food Festival in Miami. Patrick was named Adweek’s Experiential Executive of the year in 2020.