Management Team / Advisory Board Bios
Morriss M. Partee, FOUNDER/OWNER
Morriss is a lifelong resident of the Pioneer Valley, who resides in Holyoke, MA. From his design and marketing background, Morriss launched in 2000, a web site connecting thousands of credit union professionals nationally and internationally. Innovations Morriss pioneered at EverythingCU include webinars, online switch kits, and national branding events. His entrepreneurial experience and knowledge of the cannabis industry sets the foundation for the launch of a world-class cannabis retail store for the residents of Maine and beyond. He is leading Emerald River, responsible for analytics, compliance, SOPs, and communicating to all stakeholders. Morriss' son recently graduated from Syracuse University with honors.
Matthew A. Taggart, PRESIDENT/OWNER
On behalf of Emerald River Maine, Matt is responsible for researching and selecting the City of Lewiston. The Lewiston / Auburn region contains Maine's second largest population and is home to Bates College. The L/A region is experiencing growth, both with its population and commerce. Matt's research guided him to forge relationships with Emerald River Maine's realtor, the city planning department, state OMP official(s), environmental engineer, civil engineer, architect, and general contractor, whom is located roughly one mile from the construction site. Matt focused on working with as many regional entities as possible and is responsible for securing multiple avenues of product supply, along with overseeing the construction process. Matt will be introduced by the Chamber of Commerce on October 14th, 2021. Matt graduated from the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Matt is also an award-winning and published author. He currently lives in Maine, with his wife and son. A six-year resident of Maine, Matt is leading Emerald River Maine.