Dragon Cloud

Dragon Cloud

Solid Code and Fast Communication

Security Type
Non-Voting Equity
Min Investment
New York, NY
Offering Date
March 06, 2019
Expected Close Date
June 05, 2019
Target Raise
Deal Notes

Price per Share: $2.23


Company Description

Dragon Cloud is a USA-based web development agency that aims to revolutionize the future of high-quality, and results-driven, staffing solutions by building a quality-centric online freelance marketplace. Dragon Cloud connects clients with contractors capable of handling their projects, pre-screened for relevant skills and expertise. Dragon Cloud enables contractors to get more work regularly and clients to get better quality results by reducing operational friction through streamlined project management systems and a proven screening process.


$500 - $999: Your client account on our marketplace will be marked as fee-free for three months.
$1,000 - $4,999: Your client account on our marketplace will be marked as fee-free for six months.
$5,000 - $9,999: Your client account on our marketplace will be marked as fee-free for one year. You'll also get 5% more shares for your money!
$10,000 - $19,999: Your client account on our marketplace will be marked as fee-free for two years. You'll also get 10% more shares for your money! Your name or business will receive an honorable mention in the extended list of past investors.
$20,000+: Your client account on our marketplace will be marked as fee-free for life!* You'll also get 10% more shares for your money! We’ll also give you, or the company of your choice, recognition as an investor-partner near the top of the homepage of our marketplace website, through the use of a logo or your picture. The logos will be displayed in order of the highest investment first. Space is at a premium, so we're only offering this perk to the 10 investors who have the highest investments at this level. That means that the earlier you invest, and the more you invest, the higher up your logo will be, and that’s especially useful in a mobile-first world! (If you're not one of the 10, you'll get placed in the list at the top of the page where people can view the extended list of past investors.)

Use of Proceeds

Intermediary Fees: 6%

Debt Payoffs: 94% - 30%

Marketing: 0% - 53%

Debt Payoffs: 0% - 30%

Misc: 0% - 11%


Irregular Use of Proceeds

The Company might incur Irregular Use of Proceeds that may include but are not limited to the following over $10,000: Salary payments made to one’s self, a friend or relative; Inter company debt or back payments

Management Team / Advisory Board Bios

Rick Mac Gillis - CEO & Director
Rick started out as a web developer in 2003 (16+ years of experience.) He's the author of “The New Frontier in Web API Programming,” and he engineered a library of popular software algorithms (HackFastAlgos.) He has personally completed hundreds of projects, and is indirectly trained by Robert Martin: the father of the modern Agile software movement and clean coder.

Deal Notes

Price per Share: $2.23

Amount Raised : $3,140
Reveal the Score by Voting
Additional ratings from other users are needed to determine a viable CrowdScore for this deal.
The "CrowdScore" for this deal is determined by user ratings and other factors using our proprietary algorithm.
The overall viability and scalability of the business concept as well as the ability to drive the concept to profitability over time.
Business Idea
The progress made thus far in demonstrating that the business has viability, a customer base or other business traction.
Business Traction
The experience of the management team in running, scaling and/or exiting a business that required similar skills to execute the business plan.
Management Team
The value of the company compared to similar companies raising money from investors.

Security Description

Non-voting stock is stock that provides the shareholder very little or no vote on corporate matters.

Research Reports

No reports have been submitted

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